Core Subject:
Hot Healing
Yoga Therapy
Strech and Breathe
Just Shoulder and Spine
Rise and Shine
Just Meditate
Just Kids
Golden Yoga
Just Beginners
Elective Subject:
Different type of Just Playground design for Absolute Beginner
Core Subject:
Hatha Classic
Just Hot
Slim & Tone
Just Stretch
Core Stability
Vin to Yin
Just Bounce
Just Danda
Just Sculpt
Air Time
Elective Subject:
Different type of Just Playground
Classes from Absolute Beginner
Core Subject:
Dynamic Surya
Hot Detox
Core Fusion
Ashtanga Essentials
Mandala Flow
Just Backbend
Elective Subject:
Different type of Just Playground
Classes Absolute Beginner and Beginner
Core Subject:
Cardio & Balance
Vinyasa Flex
Elective Subject:
Different type of Just Playground
Classes from Absolute Beginner, Beginner and Intermediate