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Prospective students must complete the number of hours of practice according to their level of education to be able to get a Certificate of Completion and advance to a higher level. The total number of participating class hours attended will be calculated periodically. All classes that are core are mandatory or must be taken, then those are elective can be chosen as desired. The number of hours is the combined number of all Core and Elective Subject participation classes.


Core Subject:

Hot Healing

Yoga Therapy

Strech and Breathe

Just Shoulder and Spine


Rise and Shine

Just Meditate

Just Kids

Golden Yoga

Just Beginners

Elective Subject:

Different type of Just Playground design for Absolute Beginner

Core Subject:

Hatha Classic

Just Hot

Slim & Tone

Just Stretch

Core Stability

Vin to Yin

Just Bounce

Just Danda

Just Sculpt

Air Time

Elective Subject:

Different type of Just Playground

Classes from Absolute Beginner

Core Subject:

Dynamic Surya


Hot Detox

Core Fusion

Ashtanga Essentials

Mandala Flow

Just Backbend

Elective Subject:

Different type of Just Playground

Classes Absolute Beginner and Beginner

Core Subject:

Cardio & Balance

Vinyasa Flex

Elective Subject:

Different type of Just Playground

Classes from Absolute Beginner, Beginner and Intermediate

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